Gerding Builders delivers an exceptional building experience. When you choose Gerding Builders, you have peace of mind knowing we stand by our commitments, delivering you a building you can be proud of, every time.
Our Services
Our Services
We prioritize positive relationships with our employees, clients, design consultants, trade partners, peers, and our community.
We prioritize the success of others before oneself, striving to grow leaders and serving the greater good.
We build first-rate facilities where people live, work, learn, worship, volunteer, and seek medical care. We recognize our responsibility to improve the quality of life within the communities we serve.
With one of the best safety records in the industry, we have a proven track record of uncompromising commitment to safety above all else. This value includes not only our employees, but all who work on or visit one of our job sites.
We place high value on working with integrity and respect for all, and operate with a level of professionalism that ensures the work is completed on time and budget. We conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity, honoring our commitments and standing behind what we say.
Our people are the foundation of this company. We recognize the values, skill sets, and uniqueness in everyone, and strive to create an environment that is diverse, inclusive, and fosters growth. As an employee-owned company, our members take pride in who we are and our strong set of core values.
Our mission is to build a respectful workplace, which honors each individual’s culture, beliefs, and background. We are committed to creating an atmosphere where all people feel safe and respected at their place of work. We know that having varied perspectives generates better ideas to solve the most complex problems.
Our people are the foundation of this company. We recognize the values, skill sets, and uniqueness in everyone, and strive to foster an environment that is diverse, welcoming and inclusive to all.
Our mission is to build a respectful workplace, which honors everyone’s culture, beliefs, and background. We are committed to creating an atmosphere where all people feel safe and respected at their place of work. We know that having varied perspectives generates better ideas to solve the most complex problems.
“Injury Free” is our commitment, to create a work environment absent of incident and a mind-set intolerant at any level, frequency, or severity of injury. Due to our stringent safety policies, we have an impeccable safety record with our projects.
Gerding Builders has been awarded the AGC Safety PRIDE award four consecutive years. The AGC Safety PRIDE (Program Recognition Indicating Dedication & Excellence) recognizes members who are innovative industry leaders in safety and are willing to continuously improve. This award is recognized by Oregon OSHA.
Recognized as a SHARP employer. The Oregon OSHA Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) honors employers who successfully incorporate safety and health management principles into their workplace. Oregon OSHA publicly acknowledges that a model safety and health program exists at the worksite and that safety is a company value for SHARP companies.
With over 50 years of experience
“Injury Free” is our commitment, to create a work environment absent of incident and a mind-set intolerant at any level, frequency, or severity of injury. Due to our stringent safety policies, we have an impeccable safety record with our projects.
Gerding Builders has been awarded the AGC Safety PRIDE award five consecutive years. The AGC Safety PRIDE (Program Recognition Indicating Dedication & Excellence) recognizes members who are innovative industry leaders in safety and are willing to continuously improve. This award is recognized by Oregon OSHA.
Recognized as a SHARP employer. The Oregon OSHA Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) honors employers who successfully incorporate safety and health management principles into their workplace. Oregon OSHA publicly acknowledges that a model safety and health program exists at the worksite and that safety is a company value for SHARP companies.
With over 50 years of experience
Gerding Builders' mission is to benefit the communities where we live and work. Beyond the brick and mortar of construction, we strive to enrich the lives of those around us through positive work environments, solid value, excellent quality, fair business practices, long-term commitment, and generous support of non-profit service organizations.
As a company, and as individuals, we support a wide variety of organizations by volunteering and providing much-needed resources.
GB Gives
GB Gives
We allow our employees to benefit from the success of the company through the distribution of stock. As owners, our employees have a vested interest in the health and overall success of the company. This ownership fosters retention, which directly benefits the client due to greater continuity among staff, trade partners, and repeat clients.
Meet Our Team
Meet Our Team
Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program
Outstanding Philanthropic Business
PRIDE Safety Award
PRIDE Safety Award
Top Project Finalist: Santiam Canyon School District
Top Projects 1st Place Hospitality: Corvallis Museum
PRIDE Safety Award
PRIDE Safety Award
Top Projects 3rd Place: The Albany Carousel & Museum-Hospitality
Finalist for Boulder Falls Inn & Events Center
Multi-Family Safety Program of the Year
Best Safety Program in the Nation
AGC Recognition of Safety Excellence
ROSE Award for Best Oregon Safety Program
ROSE Award for Best Oregon Safety Program
First Place Project for the Corvallis Elements Building
ROSE Award for Best Oregon Safety Program
Excellence in Concrete Award
Our Projects
Our Projects
We stand by our commitments and value our relationships with our clients, employees, trade partners, and community. Please fill out the form and our team will be in touch.
Let's Get Started
Let's Get Started